I The Wolf

imageI the Wolf

The vampire you.
To the funeral pyre
I live dying for truth
The red house over yonder
Our lament.
Take off that false mustache adolph.
Come from behind the darkness
Come Aum.
You b
Long were the days.
Years drop
Let’s buddhas
River rain
Build your ark
You gopher would, wouldn’t you?
Fucking caddy shack
And the rest of those old spice guys
Who knew too little.
Its groundhog day lest you
Let go.
Wilt away into deception
Perceptions lies
Universal truth
Love wins.



In mind…


I’d do anything…
If I knew what anything does-
Tic-Tock the incessant hours.
Obsessive Nostalgia,
Deafening Madness of Silence
Peaceful Violence
Ripping insides out.
Tumultous Stillnes
Bordering illness
Holding inside what fiends to get out.

Apologetic Rainbows

Gold As the sun
We Marched to the Moon.
Tasting the Cosmos.
We Listened to light. . .
Leonardo of Vinci
Hear the cosmos?
The sound of Butterflies in flight
Flagellumless Motion.
Energy is Neither destroyed Nor transferred, only created.
Feel me?
The Rushing waters of truth
Tainted is the clarity.
I Jumped off the edge of the universe
Where is B going?
We will dance with the stars
Apologetic Rainbows.
I propose we End from the start.
Ti panemayesh?
The birth of a Rock.
We touched the sun.                        2B



  The Sound of the Heartbeats
with Love. As Ava is recognized.
A gift of buddhas jade foot, Green
4, the heart,
An elephant as I entered the Room
handed to me with knowledge.
Her cardboard boat to sail the
ocean of love, wheel of karma
broken, or broke free…
   called Me ret with no B.
Just b I say to me…
why I no B?
U Must B the B, and
pollinate the knowledge
To sail the sea,
you see? eyes see.


Two Souls

New York City twinkled in the distance its luminescent brilliance as its inhabitants the blood that flows through, the heart beat of the world. Sitting next to her. The same blood pumping the life through what is letting something happen that cannot be explained. The gentle touch of hands send sparks shooting through veins that radiate backward through axioms culminating in a gentle hue of an aqua blue and purple sea of sub consciousness. Orange flashes its fire, yellow flashes its eagerness- red flashes it’s warning and passion-green its calm anxiety. The prism reflects the light of the past present and future on the projector which is the mind controlling the body which houses the soul. Faces familiar and unfamiliar; smiles, laughs, cries, hugs, kisses, curses, blessings, birth, death, love, loss, light-all from the touch of a hand in the rejoining of souls. Sitting, holding, hands that transfer energy that can only be felt.
No music, no words, subtle infrequent glances burning with the question of an explanation with a certain comfort in the unknown. Wanting the moment to last forever and knowing it will, even if it won’t. For the way is clear that it has. Lao Tzu’s words echo with the reverberation in the key of ohm. He so gracefully had plucked them from time and space whilst tapped into the heartbeat of the universe, which now beats through two souls.
What is fate? What is mine, what is yours, what is ours? Not just of love, but of life and destiny. What is destiny? What is predetermined and what is woven? Our souls cry out for one, but our reality keeps us separate. Then is that our fate? Our destiny? Or must we fight peacefully to remain one in our separations.
Ultimately life is what you make of it. You can choose fear or you can face fear and conquer, fueled by fear and the motivation to not be afraid, and so we weave. 2B



I exist in the depths of the shadow
     my mind.
My soul seeks comfort.
   The dew that collects
on the petals that glisten
   rays of sunshine.
Love? What of it?
   A memory of the ways things
could be.
  Some far off distant future
past rivers rushing childhood
No more safety net daydream
Spoon fed happiness tastes
   bitter as it curdles with age.
Home seems so far back the road
  is long with destination unknown.
Long winters.
  Stuck in the middle. I couldn’t
find my way if I turned back.
   Gentle hands of time.
Hold me.

God shall rescue us alas we shall see him my discarded bee of thy flower not lightly take channels for those eyes privy to the truths of the hearts of man.
Suffer not alone the plague sage walking treading lightly heavy hearted strings bound by heart.
Light of truth and justice for righteousness of soul belief of heavenly light in love and of spirit being.
Heal the awakened soul. For to sleep we are dreaming but illusions of one that our love cannot escape yet the woe of suffering ye wheel.
In all we see that is us.
We are I and me as one, but yet dreaming still the pain of suffering yet eludes the light.
And so it is again. Another. And why? Because it must be so. Be still. Find solace in solitudes’ moments of peace few and far between. Peace.


 I see faces. Just faces.
     Sometimes I see a spark.
They get it.
     We fade like gentle lights…
 Into dim nights and journal entries.
      Here, read mine. They’re free.
So is love.
      I grasp for it about the universe.
Like butterfly’s in the wind;
      they flutter by.
And in the lash of a blink
     it’s ink, on a page; a body of work.
Time and money.
    The root of all freedom?
Evil is a funny thing you see.
    And now you don’t.
Everything is objectively subjective.
    Did we take the red or blue pill?
Alice? All is. All E’s
   My God they’ve gone and done it.
Eeeeeeeeeee. Do you hear it 2?
    High frequency crown chakra
Astral magnetic radiowaves of
All is Ha. The divine breath of a hola.
    A hello between amigos.
Thank you friend.